Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy.
─Lao Tzu
Two of the oldest microsystems are those of the foot and the hand; both
known in ancient China and ancient India. In 1917, William H. Fitzgerald MD, rediscovered the microsystem of the foot and the hand (Dale 1976). Dr. Fitzgerald called these systems Zone Therapy. In hand and foot reflexology, the fingers and toes correspond to the head, whereas the base of the hand and the heel of the foot represent the lower part of the body. In that fashion, Fitzgerald divided the body into ten longitudinal zones; five on each side of the body’s midline. Each zone is unique and each has a self-contained environment: every part of the body within that zone interacts with every other part in that zone. For instance, the inner edges of the feet are in the same zone as the spine; hence, stimulating the inner edges of the feet would stimulate the spine.
The healthy body strives to maintain a delicate metabolic equilibrium or homeostasis in order to be healthy; this is Yin & Yang balance in Chinese medicine. When this balance is disturbed by injury, disease, or other stresses of life, it upsets the normal functioning of the entire internal system, and to restore balance Reflexology is a simple and non-invasive method for realigning these imbalances in the early stages of disease.
Reflexology is a noninvasive massage therapy that uses a holistic approach to maintain health and promote healing. It can be used to relieve pain, to relax, to speed recovery from injury or illness, to strengthen the immune system, to control stress, and to improve the overall well-being. Reflexology is a form of internal massage based on the principle that applying pressure to the twenty-six pressure points on the hands and feet stimulates the organs, controls the release of hormones, and enhance cardiovascular performance. In recent years, this ancient time-tested art has received renewed attention and is being increasingly integrated into current medical practices. It is not clear how reflexology works ─it simply does. A relationship appears to exist between areas of the hands and feet and the body’s organs, limbs, and nerves.
-Stephanie Rick. The Reflexology Workout. Crown Trade Paperbacks. New York.1986.
-Above Article Written by Dr. Osorio, Gloria DAOM, L.Ac. 2012.